
The bad news is that UAF hires more male STEM faculty than it hires women STEM faculty. The chart illustrates that there are 113 women and 257 men among the regular faculty in the STEM disciplines here at UAF. This means that just 30.5% of UAF's STEM faculty are women, while 69.5% of its STEM faculty are men. This picture is markedly similar to the picture at other universities. It is even common at other universities to have departments that have no women at all. We have a couple of them here at UAF. The good news is that UAF has been on a upward pattern in terms of hiring women STEM faculty for a few years now. In fact, the assistant professor ranks looks pretty positive: 44% of UAF STEM faculty are women. That doesn't look too bad, does it? Especially compared to a few years ago! As expected, there are proportionately fewer women at the associate professor rank: only 29.% are women. At the professor rank, the number is downright dismal: only 9.6% of UAF STEM faculty are women. That's only 11 women, compared to 104 men. Still, the GetPix project team is optimistic, because we sense a growing understanding among STEM faculty that achieving gender equity is important for everyone.

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